WOD 12/10/2020


Every 1.30 minutes, for 9 minutes (6 sets) of:

Power Clean&Jerk touch‘n go – 5 reps (70/75% 1RM of Power Clean&Jerk)

Skills on T’n’go: focus on discendent line Bar.



For time:
20 Burpees over the bar
20 Ground to Overhead (60/40 Kg)
30 Tors to Bar
20 Burpees over the Bar
30 Toes to Bar
20 Ground to Overhead (60/40 Kg)
20 Burpees over the Bar


For time:
20 Burpees over the bar
20 Ground to Overhead (50/30 Kg)
30 Tors to Bar
20 Burpees over the Bar
30 Toes to Bar
20 Ground to Overhead (45/30 Kg)
20 Burpees over the Bar


For time:
15 Burpees over the bar
15 Ground to Overhead (30/20 Kg)
20 Knee to Chest
15 Burpees over the Bar
20 Toes to Bar
15 Ground to Overhead (30/20 Kg)
15 Burpees over the Bar


Sono grato a tutte quelle persone che mi hanno detto NO. E’ grazie a loro se sono quel che sono.
(Albert Einstein)