WOD 03/11/2020


Every 1.30 minutes, for 9 minutes (6 sets) of:

Power Snatch touch ‘n go – 4 reps (75/80% 1RM of Power Snatch)



Four sets for max calories/reps of:

90 seconds of Assault Bike (for calories) or Box Jump

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Devil’s Presses (22.5/15 Kg)

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Rowing (for calories) or Double Unders

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups

Rest 30 seconds


Four sets for max calories/reps of:

90 seconds of Assault Bike (for calories) or Box Jump

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Devil’s Presses (20/10 Kg)

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Rowing (for calories) or Double Unders

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Banded strict Pull-Ups

Rest 30 seconds


Four sets for max calories/reps of:

90 seconds of Assault Bike (for calories) or Box Jump

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Devil’s Presses (10/5 Kg)

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Rowing (for calories) or Double Unders

Rest 30 seconds

90 seconds of Banded Strict Pull-Ups / Ring Row

Rest 30 seconds


– Luke Skywalker: Bene, ci proverò.
– Yoda: No! Non provarci. O lo fai o non lo fai. Non esiste la prova.
(Dal film Star Wars)