WOD 31/07/2021

A. RX “Beach Muscles” In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete the following for time: 1600 Meter Relay Run (alternating 400 meters) immediately followed by… 20 rounds (partners alternating full rounds) of… 4 Strict Supinated-Grip Banded Pull-Ups 8 Strict/Kip Handstand Push Ups 12 Push-Ups 16 Tuck crunch immediately followed […]

WOD 30/07/2021

A. 3 ROUNDS OF: A1) Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131 (with straps); 6-8reps; rest 75sec  A2) Half Kneeling DB Press*: 20X2; 4-5reps/knee; rest 75sec x 3 Sets B. RX For time: 75 Double-Unders 25 Dumbbell Power Clean + 2 Alternating Reverse Lunges (22.5/15 Kg) (1 repetition = DB Power Clean, keep DBs in Front-Racked position, reverse […]