WOD 28/11/2021


Three sets for time:

10 Strict Press

8 Strict Pull Ups

Rest 2:00 between sets



For Time:

30 Handstand Push ups

15 Dumbbell Clean (2×22.5/15 Kg)

15 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (2×22.5/15 Kg)

30 Toes to Bar

15 Dumbbell Clean (2×22.5/15 Kg)

15 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (2×22.5/15 Kg)

Time cap = 17:00


For Time:

30 Handstand Push ups

15 Dumbbell Clean (2×17.5/12.5 Kg)

15 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (2×17.5/12.5 Kg)

30 Knee To Chest

15 Dumbbell Clean (2×17.5/12.5 Kg)

15 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (2×17.5/12.5 Kg)

Time cap = 17:00


For Time:

10 Wall Climb

10 Dumbbell Clean (2×10/5 Kg)

10 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (2×10/5 Kg)

30 Sit Ups

10 Dumbbell Clean (2×10/5 Kg)

10 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (2×10/5 Kg)

Time cap = 17:00