WOD 07/03/2022


Every minute, for 15 minutes:

Min1: 5-7 Strict Pull Ups

Min2: 5-7 Kipping or Butterfly Chest to Bar

Min3: 5-7 Strict Handstand Push up or 2 Wall Walks



Complete as many round as possible in 15 minutes of:

80 Double unders

40 Wall Ball

10 Ground to Overhead 60/40 Kg


Complete as many round as possible in 15 minutes of:

80 Double unders

40 Wall Ball @6/9

10 Ground to Overhead 50/35 Kg


Complete as many round as possible in 15 minutes of:

60 Single unders

30 Wall Ball @6/3

10 Ground to Overhead 30/25 Kg