WOD 04/06/2022



In team of 2:


1050m Run (together)

50 Power Snatch 40/25 Kg

30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups


850m Run (together)

50 Overhead Squat 40/25 Kg

30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups


650m Run (together)

50 Thruster 40/25 Kg

30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups


400m run (together)

50 Push Press 40/25 Kg

30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups


In team of 2:


1050m Run (together)

50 Power Snatch 30/20 Kg

30 Pull Ups


850m Run (together)

50 Overhead Squat 30/20 Kg

30 Pull Ups


650m Run (together)

50 Thruster 30/20 Kg

30 Pull Ups


400m run (together)

50 Push Press 30/2 Kg

30 Pull Ups


In team of 2:


850m Run (together)

40 Power Snatch 20/15 Kg

20 Banded Pull Ups / Ring Row


650m Run (together)

40 Overhead Squat 20/15 Kg

20 Banded Pull Ups / Ring Row


400m Run (together)

40 Thruster 20/15 Kg

20 Banded Pull Ups / Ring Row


200m run (together)

40 Push Press 20/15 Kg

20 Banded Pull Ups / Ring Row