WOD 16/09/2021

A. Every 1.30, for 15 minutes (10 sets) of: Snatch (touch and go) 5 reps @55-60% 1RM B. RX Three rounds for time of: 400 Meter Run 20 Burpees 20 Front-Racked Double Dumbbells Walking Lunges (22.5/15 Kg) Scaled Three rounds for time of: 300 Meter Run 20 Burpees 20 Front-Racked Double Dumbbells Walking Lunges (17.5/12.5 […]

WOD 11/09/2021

A. RX In teams of four, complete five sets for max reps/calories of: 60 seconds of Double Unders 60 seconds of Burpees to Target 6″ Above Standing Reach 60 seconds of Hang Power Snatches (40/25 Kg) 60 seconds of Dumbbell Renegade Rows @22.5/15 (1 rep = push-up, row left, push-up, row right) Rest 60 seconds […]